
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerGeolocationDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_CT_GEO_SGMT

This table identifes a customer place which is characterized as a geographic location, address, etc. This defines a point which is then linked into one or more hierarchies of geographic areas for spatial analysis of sales and retail business activity.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerID (FK)(PK) A unique system assigned identifier for a person or organization that purchases a product or service from the retailer. ID_CT Identity int CustomerDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_CT)
GeographicLocationID (FK)(PK) Token ID for a GeographicLocation ID_GEO_LCN Identity integer GeolocationHierarchyDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_GEO_HRC_SGMT)
GeographicrSegmentHierarchyID (FK)(PK) A token ID for a CustomerSegmentHierarchy ID_GEO_SGMT_HRC Identity int GeolocationHierarchyDimension(ETL_DW3_DIM_GEO_HRC_SGMT)
PartyID A unique, system assigned identity for a Party. ID_PRTY Identity int
PartyRoleAssignmentID Token identifier for a PartyRoleAssignmentInstance. ID_PRTY_RO_ASGMT Identity integer
PartyRoleStatusCode A retailer assigned code denoting the current status of the PartyRoleAssignment. SC_RO_PRTY Code2 char(2)
ContactMethodTypeCode A retailer assigned code denoting a method of contacting a Party. Suggested values include: WorkPhone, HomePhone, WorkFax, HomeFax, Mobile, Pager. CD_TYP_CNCT_MTH Code6 char(6)
ContactPurposeTypeCode A retailer defined code denoting a reason for contacting a Party. CD_TYP_CNCT_PRPS Code2 char(2)
PartyContactMethodStatusCode A code that indicates if the PartyContactMethod is active or inactive. Values: I = Inactive A = Active SC_PTY_CNCT_MTH Code2Status char(2)
AddressID A unique system allocated identifier for the Address. ID_ADS Identity int
AddressLine1 The first line of the address, normally the street number and name. A1_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine2 The second line of an address, normally the Flat or Building Suite number. A2_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine3 The third line of the address. A3_ADS Address varchar(80)
AddressLine4 The fourth line of the address. A4_ADS Address varchar(80)
ISOThreeCharacterCountryCode ISO 3166-2 three character abbreviation for the country CD_ISO_3_CHR_CY Code4 char(4)
ISOCountryPrimarySubDivisionAbbreviationCode ISO 3166-2 country primary subdivision abbreviation. Concatenation of two character country code, a dash and three character abbreviation for the subdivision. Note we're carrying this as a single attribute because it's represented that way in the ISO 3166-2 standard. CD_ISO_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN_ABBR_CD Code6 char(6)
ISOCountryName Full proper name of the country NM_ISO_CY Name varchar(40)
ISOCountryPrimarySubDivisionName Full proper name of the country primary subdivision NM_ISO_CY_PRMRY_SBDVN Name varchar(40)
City The city, town or village component of the address CI_CNCT City varchar(30)
PostalCode Postal code value. In ARTS this is an alphanumeric attribute because unlike the US other countries use letters in their postal codes. CD_PSTL Code varchar(20)
PostalCodeExtension This is a second tier postal code that qualifies the PostalCode attribute and allows more precise mail sorting. It does not apply to all countries' postal codes. Also, it is usually not mandatory. So it can be omitted for business purposes. For data integrity purposes this attribute will be assigned a default values of all zeros so it can be treated as part of an unique alternate key. CD_PSTL_EXTN Code4External char(4)
PostalCodeDescription PostalCode name or descriptioin DE_PSTL_CD DescriptionShort varchar(255)
GeoPhysicalCoOrdinateSystemTypeCode A retailer assigned mnemonic code denoting the geo-physical co-ordinate system. CD_TYP_CRDN_GEO Code2 char(2)
CoOrdinateValue A string containing the Co-Ordinate, the format of which is defined by the GeoPhysicalCoOrdinateSystem. Eg: ISO-6709 defines a standardised representation of Latitude, Longitude & Altitude: �DDMMSS.SS�DDDMMSS.SS�AAAA.AA/ where: � = direction identitier DD & DDD = Degrees of latitude & longitude MM = Minutes of latitude & longitude SS.SS = Seconds of latitude & longitude AAAA.AA = metres of altitude / = terminator So the summit of Mt Everest is represented by +27.5916+086.5640+8850/ CD_CRDN_VL ISO-6709LongitudeLatitude varchar(30)
GeographicLocationName Short name for a GeographicLocation NM_GEO_LCN DescriptionShort varchar(255)
ClimateTypeCode Climate Group: A Tropical Humid Climates Climate Group: B Dry Climates Climate Group: C Mild Midlatitude Climates Climate Group: D Severe Midlatitude Climates Climate Group: E Polar Climates Climate Group: H Highland Climates Letter Code: Af Climate Type: Tropical Wet General Characteristics: Rain Throughout Year Letter Code: Aw Climate Type: Tropical Savanna General Characteristics: Winter (Low-Sun) Dry Season Letter Code: Am Climate Type: Tropical Monsoon General Characteristics: Short Dry Season; Heavy Rains in Other Months Letter Code: BWh Climate Type: Subtropical Desert General Characteristics: Low-Latitude (Hot) Desert Letter Code: BSh Climate Type: Subtropical Steppe General Characteristics: Low-Latitude (Hot) Semiarid Letter Code: BWk Climate Type: Midlatitude Desert General Characteristics: Midlatitude (Cold) Desert Letter Code: BSk Climate Type: Midlatitude Steppe General Characteristics: Midlatitude (Cold) Semiarid Letter Code: Csa Climate Type: Mediterranean General Characteristics: Dry, Hot Summer Letter Code: Csb Climate Type: Mediterranean General Characteristics: Dry, Warm Summer Letter Code: Cfa Climate Type: Humid Subtropical General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Hot Summer Letter Code: Cwa Climate Type: Humid Subtropical General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Hot Summer Letter Code: Cfb Climate Type: Marine West Coast General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Warm Summer Letter Code: Cfc Climate Type: Marine West Coast General Characteristics: No Dry Season; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dfa Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Hot Summer Letter Code: Dfb Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Warm Summer Letter Code: Dwa Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; Dry Winter; Hot Summer Letter Code: Dwb Climate Type: Humid Continental General Characteristics: Severe Winter; Dry Winter; Warm Summer Letter Code: Dfc Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Severe Winter; No Dry Season; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dfd Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Very Cold Winter; No Dry Season Letter Code: Dwc Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Cool Summer Letter Code: Dwd Climate Type: Subarctic General Characteristics: Dry Winter; Very Cold Winter Letter Code: ET Climate Type: Tundra General Characteristics: Polar Tundra With No True Summer Letter Code: EF Climate Type: Tundra General Characteristics: Polar Ice Cap Letter Code: H General Characteristics: High Elevation Climates Sub-Symbol: f Wet, Rainy, or No Dry Season Sub-Symbol: w Dry Winter Sub-Symbol: m Monsoon, heavy rains Sub-Symbol: W (Only for B climates) Desert Sub-Symbol: S (Only for B climates) Semiarid Sub-Symbol: h (Only for B climates) Hot Sub-Symbol: k (Only for B climates) Cold Sub-Symbol: s (Only for C-Mediterranian climates) Dry Summer Sub-Symbol: a Hot Summer Sub-Symbol: b Warm Summer Sub-Symbol: c Cool Summer Sub-Symbol: d (Only for D-Subarctic climates) Very Cold Winter Sub-Symbol: T (Only for E-Tundra climates) Polar Tundra With No True Summer Sub-Symbol: F (Only for E-Ice Cap climates) Polar Ice Cap CD_CLMT_TYP Code varchar(20)
GeographicSegmentHierarchyGroupID Token Identifier for a CustomerSegmentHierarchyGroup instance. ID_GEO_SGMT_HRC_GP Identity integer
GeographicSegmentHierarchyName A business name assigned to a CustomerSegmentHierarchy. NM_GEO_SGMT_HRC String varchar(40)
HierarchyLevelNumber The relative position of a level within a CustomerSegmentHierarchy. Level 0 is the ROOT or highest level of a hierarchy. The level number is incremented for the next LOWER level. IC_PRNT_HRC_LV_NMB Number smallint
CustomerGeolocationIDTreePath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of Geolocation ID's in a Customer Geolocation Hierarchy CT_GEO_LCN_ID_HRC_TREE_PTH String varchar(4000)
CustomerGeolocationHierLevelPath A pipe delimited, bottom up(left to right) list of Geolocation Hierarchy Level Numbers in a Cutomer Geolocation Hierarchy CT_GEO_LCN_HRC_LVL_PTH String varchar(4000)
CustomerGeolocationGeoTreeHierGroupNamePath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of hierarchy group names in a Customer Geolocation Hierarchy CT_GEO_LCN_HRC_GP_NM_PTH String varchar(4000)
CustomerGeolocationGeoTreeLevelNamePath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of geolocation hierarchy level names (metadata naming each numbered level) CT_GEO_LCN_LVL_NM_PTH String varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerDimension geography defined by CustomerGeolocationDimension
GeolocationHierarchyDimension defines geolocation for CustomerGeolocationDimension

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